The Official Pickleball Warmup Guide


Pickleball is a sport that places a lot of stress on your joints, ligaments and muscles (not to mention the repeated pounding on the court your body takes). If you don't warm up properly, your risk for injury increases.

It's also worth mentioning that no matter how good your warm-up is, if you aren't wearing the right pair of socks and the right shoes for the court, your risk for injury still increases. Warming up is necessary if you want to be successful at pickleball. To make sure that you take care of your body before jumping on the pickleball court, be sure to warm yourself up as thoroughly as possible with these warm-up tips:

Before jumping on the pickleball court, it's extremely important to do a proper warm-up.

It's extremely important that you do a proper warm-up before playing pickleball. You might think stretching is just for flexibility, but it actually has a lot more benefits than that. Stretching helps to prevent injury and makes you a better player.

Stretching helps to reduce the risk of injury by increasing your range of motion, which allows you to move better on the court. When muscles are warmed up properly, they're less likely to be prone to injury during play or practice sessions. It works similarly to a rubber band that is cold, compared to one that is warm. A colder rubber band can snap. It also improves performance by allowing players' bodies to work at their full potential by helping to increase power behind their swings

Pickleball is a sport that places a lot of stress on your joints, ligaments and muscles.

Before you sign up for a beginner class, let's talk about what pickleball is and how it can help you.

Pickleball is an aerobic sport that requires running around the court at high speeds, played in singles or doubles fashion. One of the key differentiators of pickleball is that the ball is perforated, and as a result, can bounce in any direction which means you have to have great awareness and reactions. In addition to this, pickleball players are constantly transitioning from crouching down into their stance to hitting the ball with their paddle. This forces them to engage in both static and dynamic movements during each point played which causes them to experience high levels of force on their bodies during playtime.

Therefore if you're looking for something fun but also want exercises that work out your whole body then picking up this game might just be right up your alley!

If you don't warm up properly, your risk for injury increases.

If you don't warm up properly, your risk for injury increases significantly. That's a fact. Whether you're someone who just picked up pickleball and is getting started, or have been playing for years, it's important to get your body ready for the game by doing some simple exercises before jumping into play.

A good warm-up can help prevent injuries from occurring during play and will also help improve performance if done properly. The following are some examples of exercises that should be performed prior to hitting the courts:

  • Jogging in place for 1-2 minutes followed by a series of arm circles - this helps loosen up the joints in preparation for movement/running around on court (important especially when learning new strokes).

  • Pulling back with resistance bands while standing or sitting - working out both arms at once instead of singularly will help strengthen muscles used throughout all pickleball strokes (important especially if one hand has more control than another).

  • Pushups - building strength in upper body muscles as well as core strength will help prevent injury when picking up balls off ground after hitting them over net; also helps build dexterity so that shots can be hit faster without losing power due to fatigue caused by improper posture when holding racket

  • Dynamic Movements - rather than doing static stretches before you play, do leg swings, focus on opening up your hips, and focus on warming up the twisting motion in your body. This is a critical part of the swing, and as such is critical to do while you are getting your body ready. And remember, you haven't finished your warmup until you're sweating.

It's also worth mentioning that no matter how good your warm-up is, if you aren't wearing the right pair of socks and shoes your risk for injury still increases.

Compression socks are an essential part of your warm-up, as they help to keep your ankles and calves warm. Because of gradient compression your blood will flow more easily through these areas and prevent cramps. They also keep your muscles loose, which makes it more likely that you'll avoid injury while playing pickleball.

Lasso Socks are the #1 ranked compression sock. Where they get even more unique is that Lasso's patented BlowYourMind™ technology is proven to help support and stabilize the ankle as well as the ligaments in the foot, similar to the effects of taping. Lasso Socks are a must have for pickleball players and are a favorite amongst its top players.


If you want to play pickleball, then make sure that you're prepared. Warming up is a crucial part of any activity that requires physical activity and it's especially important for pickleball players who are jumping on court after long periods of inactivity. If you don't follow these tips when warming up for your next game, then your risk for injury may increase dramatically!